At the Crossroads with Your Job or Career?


He said he wished he could hire both of us. I asked him why not, and asked to see his organization chart, and left the interview with a smile. One week later I was hired.

During the past several years of the Covid-19 pandemic, I have had multiple conversations with people who have lost or quit their jobs. So many people see themselves a a crossroads with their jobs and careers.

We have all been there. I wish I could tell you exactly what the future holds for you. That would be so much easier, but not as rewarding. What I can tell you is the best way to predict the future is to create it. How can you look beyond the situation, and see the opportunities? 

The solution may surprise you.

When I interviewed for that Executive Assistant position, it wasn’t the position I got hired for. The Executive Director created a new position for the organization.I was now the Administrative Assistant for the Director of Finance and Human Resources.

This is one of my secret strategies for success.

🔥Instead of seeing limitations, I see possibilities.

🔥 Instead of staying stuck in the story and situation that I was x,y,z, I saw opportunities.

🔥Instead or waiting for the perfect job title or job description, I chose to see every interview as a valuable connection and a bridge to the next job.

This didn’t  mean I applied to everything and took any job offer. This is the second secret .

🔥Use your super power to daydream the job you want …
🔥Write out the job description …
🔥Imagine what a work day would be like and how you would feel at the end of it …

Because without a vision, you may miss seeing the opportunities and creative solutions that are right in front of you.

I knew before I interviewed,  that I wanted my next job to:

✅ Provide enough funds to comfortably live in Los Angeles
✅ Be in a supportive, fun environment
✅ With a boss who recognized, appreciated and rewarded my skills
✅ Make a difference in the community

🔥 So I imagined it before every interview and with every application.

My position at the non-profit agency changed over time.
By the time I left my position, almost 5 years later, my job responsibilities included:

✅ Managing internal and external communications
✅ Working with Human Resources policy and procedures
✅ Serving as assistant grant writer for the implementation of the now nationwide 211 information and referral system and more …

My job was everything I wanted and became even more than I imagined.

🔥 In this Covid (post-pandemic?) economy, see this job market as an opportunity to do things differently.

Because no one knows the rules of the game anymore.  We get to add a plot twist, create some new rules and write a new story.

So what is your vision for your job or career? How will you write your next job description?